Saturday, June 22, 2013

Yes its true I secretly love Taylor swift AAH :D .... I am a weird girl in my music taste. But thats what make's me unique and different and no way would I change it. So no idea have any of you out there heard of a band called Marianas Trench They are amazing so i am going to post some more song links up today :) 

First this is Taylor Swift songs. This one they do use the God then bad word so you are warned. :-P 

Girls I just want to say some guys are truly worth it and some are not... I found that out but i still love my Romance songs... they are not to gushy ;) enjoy

This is my favorite song of there's this one or Skin and Bones which is the next link ;)

This is to all you girls and guys who struggle with an eating disorder. 

Crossfade They are not Random they are Awesome but i wanted this song up ;) 

Have An Awesome Good groovy fun day ;) 

"Creative Heart"

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